Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Introduction to water cooling system

Over the past few yeas CPU speeds have been increasing at a dramatic rate in order to generate a new speed. CPU have more transistors ,more power and higher clock rates. CPU heatsinks have been added to all modern PC
To help try to alliviate some of the heat from the processor into the surounding environment but as the fan get louder and larger. New solution are being looked into namely liquid cooling
For me liquid cooling is more efficient system drawing heat away from the processor and out side of the system.
* This allow for higher clock speed of the processor as the ambient temperature of the CPU are still within the manufacturer specification.
this is good mostly for overclocker user
In the market watercooling is still only effective for those people are interested in overclocking.
*If CPU speeds continue to increase and no new thermal breakthroughs are discovered in regards CPU construction.